If you are anything like me, moving houses can be a tedious and stressful task at hand, especially if you have decided to pack up your belongings and move them interstate. For those of you who have moved to Melbourne or moving out of Melbourne, here are some quick handy tips how you could find the best and cheapest Removalists in Melbourne. All the expenses can start to pile up rather quickly when coordinating a move and if you don’t find areas where you can save, you will soon find yourself drowning in an ocean of debt and that is all before you have even called the removalist.

These are my handy strategies from experience to find the best and cheapest Melbourne Removalist quotes.

1. Avoid hourly rates and get a fixed priced quote
Many Melbourne Removalists would rather charge you an hourly rate simply because it is difficult to accurately factor in the length of time it takes to complete a job. Therefore, they do not want to lose out if they happen to run overtime. However, there are many who would be keen to charge a fixed priced quote simply because they will allow for extra time in case of any problems that may arise. Getting a fixed priced quote will allow you to budget your move carefully and not worry if the removalist are working too slow or running overtime. You pay for getting the job done and not when the removalist clocks on and off.

2. Call around local Melbourne Removalists in classifieds
If you happen to have a copy of your local newspaper that gets delivered in the mail, then it is definitely worth checking out the classified section and see what local businesses operate in the area. You may be surprised to find that CJ’s Removals who are just down the road are offering 10% off and offer additional pensioner discounts. In many cases, local businesses love to take on jobs in their own area and would offer a competitive quote just to win local jobs for the convenience of saving them considerable travel time.

3. Price beat quotes
This is one of the oldest tricks in the consumer world yet not enough people actually do it. However, there is a way to approach it successfully. Make sure you have quotes in writing that you could prove is a legitimate quote. Then, ask the question ‘do you price beat?’ You will find some Removalists who already take on too much work probably won’t take up the offer but you will also realise plenty who need the extra work who will. However be sure that you are ready to commit to booking with the removalist who prices beats your quote. Otherwise you’ll just be bargaining without a purpose.

4. Get multiple quotes from compare sites
With the age of the Internet, there are more ways to get quotes from Melbourne Removalists these days then just the old fashion way of flicking through classifieds and Yellow Pages directories and calling up each one individually. There have been many great sites popping up online that will assist you to compare removalist quotes and get them sent straight to your email address without having the need to even push the dial button on your phone. In a world where time is valuable these services are extremely efficient and time saving and it is no wonder that more and more people are finding these sites even more popular for cheap removalist Melbourne quotes. Give it a try for yourself and you will soon find how easy and convenient these services truly are.

5. Offer to pay cash
Small Melbourne Removalists love cash as it helps with their cash flow, and helps cutting expenses like merchant fees when paying by credit card. You can imagine if a small business had to pay 1.5% in fees for every job, they are effectively taking a cut in profit. However the bigger companies can afford to negotiate a significantly lower rate due to the higher number of transactions processed. So, if you offer to pay cash ask the question ‘will it cost less?’ You’ll be surprised with the response.

By following my 5 simple strategies above you can be sure you’re getting the best deal when it comes to hiring the best and cheapest removalist, without compromising on the quality of work. Good Luck!